Gruppo Battellieri takes you #alongthecoast

Costiera Amalfitana

Every day our boats and battellieri are ready to set sail for new adventures by sea and let you discover the authentic beauty of one of the most suggestive places in the World: the Amalfi Coast. Whether you want to leave with a group of friends or on your own, with your family or your partner. You can spend a few hours or a whole day discovering the Amalfi Coast accompanied by the rays of the sun, the sea breeze and smell. 

Not just a boat ride, but a unique experience!

Which one will you choose?


45 minutes of real discovery!

You’ll discover the Amalfi Coast from West to East, making a stop at the tiny village of Conca dei Marini until you’ll reach Maiori, Minori and Atrani.

Giro Costa Gruppo Battellieri


a mysterious tour!

You’ll visit the famous Emerald Grotto and let yourself be captivated by colorful waters and the evocative atmosphere.

Grotta dello Smeraldo Gruppo Battellieri


the best beaches of the Amalfi Coast!

You’ll reach the legendary beaches of Santa Croce and Duoglio with daily sea passages, in complete tranquility and relax.

Spiagge Gruppo Battellieri


Every glimpse of the Amalfi Coast becomes reachable!

Choose your destination and get ready for new adventures always with Gruppo Battellieri.


Along the coast is better:  5 reasons to discover the Amalfi Coast by boat!

Panorama Costiera Amalfitana
Amalfi Coast Landscape

The Amalfi Coast looks like a colorful balcony suspended over the Gulf of Salerno, from Positano in the west reaching Vietri in the east. The natural coastal landscape extends for about 50 kilometers gathering in that long stretch some of the most beautiful and evocative places of southern Italy: Amalfi, Conca dei Marini, Ravello, Maiori, Minori and the fascinating islands.

If on the one hand visiting the Amalfi Coast by land is an experience not-to-be-missed, on the other going along the coast and discovering it by sea is absolutely an adventure to enjoy!

Here are 5 reasons to discover the Amalfi Coast with Gruppo Battellieri: 


On board you can enjoy the view of small ports, heights and rocks colliding with the waves, typical terraces of the Amalfi Coast overlooking the sea, hidden beaches and beautiful bays, lemon groves and tiny houses climbed on the mountains, brightly colored domes, secret natural beauties and every shade of blue.


Moving by boat is like taking a quiet walk! No lines, no traffic jams, no cars. Leaving from one of the many ports of the Amalfi Coast, you can discover the calmness of nature and the wonders of the coast without crowds and chaos.


Discovering the Amalfi Coast by sea, you can reach those secret and hidden spots impossible to reach by land: the Emerald Grotto, Santa Croce beach, the small Duoglio bay and other places reachable solely going along the coast.


Whether you want to discover the Amalfi Coast with your family, in a group or alone, the adventure is guaranteed with Gruppo Battellieri and it will surely be unforgettable with the stories told by our battellieri!


When you are leaving for a new place to visit, you’re always worried about the itinerary to be organized. Will it be the best one? No worries! Each excursion has a unique itinerary that will make you live an amazing Amalfi Coast adventure, always in the great company of sea waves.

A new season is about to begin, discovering the Amalfi Coast going #alongthecoast is better and with us even more!

Proposito per il nuovo anno: visitare la Costiera Amalfitana con Gruppo Battellieri!

principali attrazioni costiera amalfitana
Destinazioni Costiera Amalfitana
Le più belle destinazioni della Costiera Amalfitana

Terminate le vacanze natalizie, salutato il vecchio anno e accolto il nuovo… a pochi giorni dal suo inizio arrivano i buoni propositi, stavolta propositi di viaggio!  E c’è chi, come noi, non vede l’ora di poter vivere momenti avvolti dal profumo del mare, dal vibrante giallo dei limoni e dalla bellezza disarmante di questo incredibile tratto di Costa. 

Nel paesaggio d’immensa bellezza della Costiera Amalfitana, è inevitabile perdersi in ogni suo scorcio e chi la conosce lo sa bene. Chi non la conosce, si starà chiedendo cosa visitare in Costiera Amalfitana?

Ora che, la Costiera Amalfitana e i suoi luoghi stanno vivendo la calma e la quiete tipici della stagione invernale, noi di Gruppo Battellieri, vogliamo suggerirti gli scorci da non perdere per la prossima stagione di scoperta in giro #perlacosta 

Non potrai perdere Amalfi, nucleo storico e geografico, da cui l’intera costa prende il nome, resta una delle mete preferite dal turismo mondiale con il suo affascinante Duomo e il suo Chiostro del Paradiso.

Maiori, con la spiaggia sabbiosa più grande della costiera o il piccolo borgo di Minori, con il suo paesaggio naturale diviso tra acque limpide e suggestive montagne. 

Ravello, lontana dal mare, ma circondata dalla bellezza dei suoi giardini terrazzati; Ancora Positano, la coloratissima perla della Costiera Amalfitana, Conca dei Marini, uno dei borghi più piccolo d’Italia,  tra scalinate e limoneti… e poi la misteriosa Grotta dello Smeraldo, uno spettacolo nascosto e una delle poche grotte ancora accessibili. 

Li Galli, un piccolo arcipelago tra Capri e Positano; la Baia di Santa Croce, una delle spiagge più belle della Costiera Amalfitana e l’Arco Naturale, poco distante dalla città di Amalfi e conosciuto anche come ‘Ponte degli innamorati’.

Un elenco di meraviglie infinito… ogni borgo, ogni luogo e ogni scorcio della nostra splendida Costiera Amalfitana nasconde perle preziose tutte da scoprire e il nostro unico proposito per il nuovo anno è  vivere nuove avventure insieme!

Your New Year’s resolution: visit the Amalfi Coast with Gruppo Battellieri!

principali attrazioni costiera amalfitana
Best Destinations Amalfi Coast
Best destinations of the Amalfi Coast

The Christmas holidays are over, you said goodbye to the old year and welcomed the new one… Just a few days from its beginning and your good resolutions are here, but this time they’re travel ones!

Some people, just like us, are looking forward to enjoying new moments surrounded by the scent of the sea, the vibrant yellow of lemons and the breathtaking beauty of this wonderful stretch of coast. In fact, it’s common knowledge that every single person who’s been in the great Amalfi Coast landscape, gets lost in every single glimpse! 

And if you haven’t experienced its beauty yet, you’re surely wondering what to visit on the Amalfi Coast?

In this time of the year, the Amalfi Coast and its places are experiencing the calmness and quietness of the winter season and we want to suggest you some spots not-to-be-missed for the next season of discovery #alongthecoast

You can’t miss the town of Amalfi, historical and geographical heart of the entire coast, one of the most popular destinations in the whole World with its fascinating Cathedral and Cloister of Paradise.

Maiori, with the largest sandy beach of the coast or the small village of Minori, with its natural landscape between crystal clear waters and picturesque mountains.

Ravello, located far from the sea, but surrounded by the natural beauty of terraced gardens; In addition Positano, the colorful pearl of the Amalfi Coast, Conca dei Marini, one of the smallest villages in Italy, among stairs and lemon groves… and then the mysterious Emerald Grotto, a hidden gem and one of the few grottos still accessible.

Li Galli, a small archipelago between Capri and Positano; Santa Croce Beach, one of the most beautiful beaches of the Amalfi Coast and the Arco Naturale, not far from the town of Amalfi and also known as ‘Lovers’ Bridge’.

An endless list of wonders… every village, every spot and glimpse of the Amalfi Coast hides the most precious pearls waiting to be discovered and our new year’s resolution is to live new adventures together! 

5 curiosità sulla Costa d’Amalfi!

amalfi coast

Sai che la Costiera Amalfitana è uno dei 55 siti italiani inseriti dall’UNESCO nella World Heritage List?

La “Divina” Costiera appare come un balcone sospeso tra il mare e le pendici dei monti Lattari, in un susseguirsi di vallate e promontori tra calette, spiagge e terrazze con coltivazioni agrumi. La caratteristica principale? I paesi che compongono la famosa Costa, distanti a volte solo di 1 o 2 km, sono uno diverso dall’altro, ognuno con le sue tradizioni, peculiarità e curiosità!


1 .La Costiera Amalfitana ospita il comune più piccolo d’Italia, Atrani!
Bellissimo da fotografare via mare per le sue casette arroccate a modi presepe e piacevole da scoprire con una tranquilla passeggiata.

2. Si narra che nel XIV secolo a Conca dei Marini si aggirassero le “ianare” che proteggevano gli ulivi e il loro raccolto.
Durante la notte di martedì grasso, da allora, il paese celebra il “Carnevale delle ianare” che significa “strega”. Imparate un nuovo termine!

3. Amalfi è stata il primo centro nevralgico di diffusione della carta.
Sono noti a tutti i rapporti e gli scambi commerciali degli arabi con la città di Amalfi, e proprio da loro con molta probabilità gli abitanti del borgo
ne carpirono i segreti di realizzazione. Un bel primato!

4. La Spiaggia di Santa Croce, che si trova subito dopo la più nota Spiaggia del Duoglio, ospita una grotta che conserva ancora i resti di una piccola Cappella dedicata alla Santa Croce, usata fin dal Medioevo come ambiente per lo stoccaggio delle merci che provenivano via mare.
Visitatela subito con le nostre escursioni.

5. L’arco naturale di fronte alla spiaggia di Santa Croce è quello noto a tutti come “L’Arco dei Baci Perugina” dove per l’appunto venne girata la pubblicità dedicata al famoso cioccolatino degli innamorati. Impossibile non scattare un selfie ricordo!
Queste perle sulla Costa d’Amalfi vi hanno incuriosito? Non vi resta che concedervi un bel weekend nella Divina e ovviamente esplorarla sia via terra che facendo un tour #perlacosta con i nostri battelli.
Settembre è un mese eccezionale per escursioni e tour via mare!

5 interesting facts about the Amalfi Coast!

amalfi coast

The Amalfi Coast is one of the 55 sites included in the UNESCO World Heritage List: did you know that?

The Amalfi Coast, also known as the Divine Coast, looks like a balcony suspended between the blue sea and the feet of the Lattari Mountains, situated in a long stretch of valleys and promontories among hollows, beaches and terraces with citrus growing. What is its main feature? The towns of the well-known coast are located 1 or 2 Kilometers away from each other and each one has its own traditions, peculiarities and interesting facts.

We’re going to tell you 5:

  1. The Amalfi Coast hosts one of the smallest villages in Italy: Atrani! It’s an amazing village to photograph from the sea for its small houses perched on the cliff as a kind of crib; and it’s a beautiful place to discover while you’re taking a quiet walk.
  2. The story goes that in the XIV century, in the village of Conca Dei Marini, there were some pretty women called “The Ianare” who used to protect olive trees and the harvest.
    Since then, during Shrove Tuesday, the “Ianare Carnival” is celebrated in the village. The term means “witch”. Learn it!
  1. The town of Amalfi was the first centre of papermaking. In fact, trade relations between Amalfi and the Arabs are well-known and probably locals learned all the secrets about papermaking from them. A great record!
  2. Santa Croce Beach is located immediately after the very famous Duoglio Beach. It hosts a cave that still contains the remains of a small chapel dedicated to the Holy Cross, used as a storage of goods that came by sea since the Middle Ages. Visit it with our excursions now! (
  3. The natural Arch situated in front of Santa Croce Beach, is known to everyone as “The Arch of Baci Perugina”. Here, the advertisement dedicated to the famous Italian chocolate of lovers was shot. It’s impossible not to take a souvenir picture here.

Did these gems of the Amalfi Coast make you curious? Now, you just have to book a weekend on the Divine Coast and explore it both by land and sea going #alongthecoast with our boats. September is an extraordinary month for excursions and sea tours!
